As we follow Jesus in community, we fundamentally ask ourselves the question, what would Jesus do if He were us? To know this, we must study Jesus’s life, teachings, and Way. One way we do this is by studying the Gospels. John’s Gospel account is full of reflection, theological richness, and big-picture teaching.
Cascades Church is a church in the heart of Metro Vancouver longing to see our city renewed as we follow Jesus. If you’d like to learn more about Cascades Church, visit our website at http://cascadeschurch.ca
Welcome to Cascades: https://cascadeschurch.ca/basics/
Following Jesus Today Course: https://cascadeschurch.ca/courses/
Community Groups: https://cascadeschurch.ca/community-groups/
Giving: https://cascadeschurch.ca/give
Weekly Mailouts: http://eepurl.com/g2LeaX