Jesus’s parables are an invitation to embrace the posture of discipleship at the feet of Jesus and dwell in the truth in them so that God can transform your imagination, your longings, your own words, and ultimately the way you live.
Cascades Church is a church in the heart of Metro Vancouver longing to see our city renewed as we follow Jesus. If you’d like to learn more about Cascades Church, visit our website at http://cascadeschurch.ca
Welcome to Cascades: https://cascadeschurch.ca/basics/
Alpha: https://cascadeschurch.ca/alpha/
Following Jesus Today Course: https://cascadeschurch.ca/courses/
Community Groups: https://cascadeschurch.ca/community-g…
Giving: https://cascadeschurch.ca/give
Weekly Mailouts: http://eepurl.com/g2LeaX