The blessings and sins of our families going back two to three generations profoundly impact who we are today. Jesus desires to show us the ways of relating and thinking that no longer fit us because we belong to the family of God so that we can shed them and begin to walk with the freedom and lightness we were created and redeemed for.
Cascades Church is a church in the heart of Metro Vancouver longing to see our city renewed as we follow Jesus. If you’d like to learn more about Cascades Church, visit our website at http://cascadeschurch.ca
Welcome to Cascades: https://cascadeschurch.ca/basics/
Following Jesus Today Course: https://cascadeschurch.ca/courses/
Community Groups: https://cascadeschurch.ca/community-groups/
Giving: https://cascadeschurch.ca/give
Weekly Mailouts: http://eepurl.com/g2LeaX