The story you live in is the story you live out, and as disciples of Jesus, we believe the story of God found the library of Scripture is the that leads to life. Over the next 6 weeks, we want to give our attention to His story, allowing our imaginations to be captured by it, and for our hearts formed by it, so that we may become active participants of God’s unfolding story in our world. In this message, Alex unpacks how God created a good world and places humanity in it to be his royal and priestly representatives.
Cascades Church is a church in the heart of Metro Vancouver longing to see our city renewed as we follow Jesus. If you’d like to learn more about Cascades Church, visit our website at http://cascadeschurch.ca
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Making Room Initiative: https://cascadeschurch.ca/making-room/
Following Jesus Today Course: https://cascadeschurch.ca/courses/
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