In His Sermon on Mount Jesus casts a vision for how His people should and shouldn’t relate to money and possessions. It’s part of his broader vision for being rightly to God and others. People who come into contact with Jesus, who begin to experience the Holy Spirit move in their life are not stingy, but generous with what they have been given.
Cascades Church is a church in the heart of Metro Vancouver longing to see our city renewed as we follow Jesus. If you’d like to learn more about Cascades Church, visit our website at http://cascadeschurch.ca
Alpha: https://cascadeschurch.ca/alpha
Basics: https://cascadeschurch.ca/basics/
Month of Generosity: https://cascadeschurch.ca/month-of-generosity/
DNA Groups: https://cascadeschurch.ca/dna-groups
Giving: https://cascadeschurch.ca/give
Weekly Mailouts: https://bit.ly/3mmG6j0