Cascades Church Sermons
Cascades Church Sermons
How Jesus Sends Us Out on Mission | Matthew 10:1,9-16

When Jesus sends us out on mission, He sends us out to do as He would. However, when you read Jesus’s Sermon on mission in Matthew 10, you begin to see that how we go on mission matters just as much as going out does. In this message, Alex highlights how Jesus wants us to go out: we go together, not alone; we go in simple dependence; we go focusing on receptive; and we go in weakness, wisdom, and innocence.
This feels so counter, so otherworldly to the way we think we should go out and that’s because it is. On Jesus’s mission, His disciples are to embody His Way.

Cascades Church is a church in the heart of Metro Vancouver longing to see our city renewed as we follow Jesus. If you’d like to learn more about Cascades Church, visit our website at

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