
Living in the Story of God

An invitation to live in the story of God

Every day we are surrounded by narratives that compete for our attention, our loves, and yet as Christians we believe it’s the story of Jesus that leads to true life.

We need practices that draw us back into the real and wondrous story of God found in Scripture. As we begin this New Year we want to invite you to root your life in the truth of God’s kingdom. 

Join us as we open up the Bible together, anchor ourselves in it, and devote our days to God. 

BREAD Journal

How does it work?

BREAD is a 12 month Bible reading plan and devotional tool, based on the ancient practice of lectio divina, helping people to read prayerfully through Scripture. This resource has been created by KXC Church in London, UK. 

In the pages of this journal, you will find a daily Bible reading plan organised around the church calendar — an annual cycle of seasons and days observed by the global, historic church crafted to remember Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. 

The order of daily readings is based on the Morning Prayer passages in the Common Worship Lectionary: a shared way of reading Scripture used by roughly 2 billion Christians around the world. 

How much should I read?

The suggested BREAD reading is the highlighted New Testament passage. If you’re new to the Bible or the daily reading practice, then start here! If you would like to go deeper, also included are a Psalm and an Old Testament passage, which you can use for additional reflection.

Why do some days have fewer passages? 

The Sunday readings only include a Psalm. This is to create space to worship through the Psalms, on a day when many choose to gather with their church communities and engage with God’s word there. The church calendar includes many festivals and feast days to commemorate key figures and moments in the Bible. On certain key days, there are specific readings associated with these celebrations.


What do I do if I don’t understand what I am reading? 

The Bible can be daunting sometimes, and it’s often helpful to get additional context. We recommend watching the corresponding BibleProject video on YouTube when you come across a new or unfamiliar book of the Bible.  Additionally, talk about in your Community Groups chances are others have questions too! 

What does BREAD stand for ?

The name stands for five daily steps: Be still, Read, Encounter, Apply and Devote.  


Join us as we aim to live in the story of God