month of generosity
Giving for the good of others
Month of Generosity
November 2023
During the month of November we want to highlight four organizations doing great work. Each has a different mandate and unique groups they seek to serve, but each one is important in expressing a concern and care close to the heart of Jesus.
Through these four organizations the poor and marginalized are provided shelter and mental health support; refugees coming to our city are given material, spiritual, and social support; and Indigenous people in Canada are equipped to solved water issues in their communities.
Three Reasons we are doing this
1 | Because God our Father has been so generous with us; He’s given us His Son.
2| Because generosity is the way of those who call Christ their Lord. Because Jesus is Lord , our hearts are in His kingdom and not in the systems of the world.
3 | Because it aligns with our vision–Seeing our city renewed requires collaboration with different organizations.
Many Indigenous communities in Canada have identified the need for more young, qualified, and local personnel to support solving water issues, independently and for the long term. However, there is a lack of locally available opportunities for young adults to gain the relevant skills and experiences.
Water First is a Canadian charity that partners with communities that have identified education and training as part of the solution to the water crisis. Their Drinking Water Internship Program is a 15-month paid and locally-delivered internship that supports young Indigenous adults to become certified water treatment plant operators.
Centro Oasis
In October, Joel Hagglund (one of our Elders) visited Centro Oasis on a mission to Ensenada, Mexico. Centro Oasis’s ministry provides material, social, and spiritual support to at-risk male youth. Many have home-life that preclude them from being able to live with their families. Centro Oasis is seeking to raise about $4700 CAD to finish building a new support home for the youth. For pictures and details about this project click on the link below.
Lookout Society
Lookout provides non-judgmental services to people who cope with a variety of challenges including mental illness, addictions, chronic health conditions (including HIV/AIDS), physical disabilities, social dysfunctions, legal concerns or more frequently a combination of issues.
They operate shelters, transitional, independent and permanent supportive housing, drop-in resource centres, outreach, and health services in 11 municipalities.
Cascades has partnered with Lookout to run an Emergency Weather Shelter (EWS) for the last three winter seasons. This year we have brought up the the possibility of becoming a Temporary Shelter which would allow us to operate nightly in the Winter months and provide to more resources towards operating the shelter and resources supports for guests. Please pray for this to happen.
Backpacks of Hope
This year they are running the “Backpacks of Hope,” campaign which is designed to provide their most vulnerable population some sort of comfort over the holidays. The goal is to provide a backpack filled with essentials for the winter such as:
- pants
- ponchos
- socks
- sweaters
- personal grooming supplies
- toques, gloves, and
- a small gift card or any item that would fit in a backpack
These can be dropped at Cascades and given to either our Deacon Marsha Piechnik or our Elder Felix Perello on any of the Sundays in November and we’ll deliver them to Lookout.
Journey Home Community
Journey Home Community (JHC) offers transitional housing, settlement assistance and relational support to refugee claimant families. They envision welcoming refugees into a community where they experience hope and belonging, meaningful relationships, a place to give and receive, a safe place to call home, and access to available systems and resources. Why? Because this type of welcome will promote flourishing in their new country. Two ways you can support JHC are listed below.
Gift Cards for Christmas
Support their work by donating gift cards to Walmart along with a friendly and welcoming message in a Christmas Card. This enables parents to find and choose the most appropriate gifts for their family.
If you choose to do this please that you leave the gift cards separate from the card so JHC can distribute them in an equitable fashion to families in need.
Christmas Baskets for Refugee Families
You (or your Community Group) may want to put together a Christmas basket. Each item in the list below has been carefully curated to reflect the interests and needs of international newcomer families. only assembled baskets at this time, not just individual items.
Items for each Christmas Basket:
- 4x pairs of Mittens
4x Warm Hat - 4x Scarves
- 2x Umbrella
- 4x Slippers (various sizes)
- 1x Box of Fancy Tea
- 1x Bag of Fancy Coffee
- 1x Box of Chocolate
- 1x Bag of Candied Fruits
- 1x Box of nuts
- 1x Personalized Christmas Card
If you have any specific questions about the baskets please email Olivia at for more details!
Cards and gift baskets can be dropped these off and given to either our Deacon Marsha Piechnik or our Elder Felix Perello on any Sunday in November and we’ll deliver them Journey Home Community.
What you can do
+ Consider & Discuss
Consider how you and your family, friends or community group could participate in this initiative. It might be helpful to discuss the following questions, which organization’s mission most resonates with your passion? Who does Jesus call His followers to be? How does generosity relate to following Jesus? Where do we want to see people helped most?
+ Pray
We invite you to spend time this month praying for those who are homeless, those struggling with mental health issues, refugees in our city.
Ask for God to bless the organizations in their efforts to serve the marginalized.
Ask God move in His Church in Vancouver to serve, care, and meet the needs of others in our city.
+ Give
Over the next month we encourage you to practice generosity by supporting these four organizations by giving to their work and praying for their work. You can give with an offering envelope in person or online via
On sure to select the organization you want to give to on the tab. There will be the four to choose from.
Offering Envelope
Be sure to write a note indicating which organization you would like to give to.
Backpacks of Hope & Christmas Gift Cards
If you would like to participate in either initiative use the list of items included above to guide you as you buy the backpack and fill it with the relevant materials and then bring it Cascades we will arrange the drop of the donations.