Creative Way Down

The Creative Way Down:
This course designed to be a 30 day deep dive into beatitudes for personal and community transformation. It focuses on Surrender in the first three of Jesus’ Beatitudes (poor in spirit; mourning; meekness). It walks people through them in an in-depth, intentional, challenging, yet invitational way.
There are 5 weekly meetings:
Intro Week: introduction to the course
Week 2: Poor in Spirit
Week 3: Mourners
Week 4: Meekness
Week 5: this last one is provides time for everyone to process and share what God’s been doing in them.

the Creative Way Down:
This course is designed to be a 30 day deep dive into the next three beatitudes for personal and community transformation. It builds upon Surrender, by examining the next three Beatitudes of Jesus: hungering and thirst for righteousness, mercy, and purity of heart.
How does it work?
Teaching Videos
There are three teaching videos (one for each Beatitude) that you can watch in advance or in a group and then you discuss it with the group. For example in Surrender the videos explore what does meekness or poor in spirit mean? Do we want to be meek? How is Jesus meek/poor in spirit?
Touch Points Each Day
There is a Study Guidebook for each week based on a Beatitude. Each day there’s a reflection to read, a prayer prompt, and an action prompt that you can engage with on your own. At the end of the week you come tegether and discuss.
Group Discussions and Processing
Each week you’ll meet to discuss how that week went and then you go through the next teaching.
The course is meant to gradually take you deeper and deeper. For instance, in week one we suggest at lunchtime take two minutes of silence and stillness (for some people that feels like it’s four hours!). In the follow week’s meeting we together and go ‘Well, how was that for you?’ and then the next week we suggest now try it for 3 minutes, and then the next week it’s five minutes. In so doing, we’re trying to learn and grow together in these ancient practices of the church.
How much does it cost?
This course cost about $64USD/person. For members of our community Cascades will cover the costs because we want to see people experience the fullness of life Jesus offers us and we don’t money to be an obstacle to that.
What if I can’t keep up with all the material?
That’s totally okay! The resources are there for your growth; you can engage with them as you are able to. The course has been designed so that you can go through it as many times as you need. Some people have gone through the course and said “I’d like to go through it again there’s some stuff I missed.” There is no pressure to get it all done. the end goal is union with Christ and every step we take towards union with Jesus is victory.
How do I access the material?
You have life-time access to the material via the website. We will register you and create your account and then email you with your information so you can log in.
This site will provide you with all the videos, weekly guides and more. If you want you can do all the material online.
Alternatively, the weekly guide can be downloaded as a PDF and printed.
And if you prefer to use a workbook, you can worked the Creative Way Down Workbook off of Amazon.
what if I miss a class?
No problem! You’ll still be able to watch the video and engage in the daily practices. The only thing you’ll miss is the group time of processing and learning together. While we think that’s really valuable for the transformation of our community we totally understand things come up.